Djman 发表于 2015-7-3 10:48:20

关于CT使用RTL8188cus USB无线模块时系统修改的注意事项

本帖最后由 Djman 于 2015-7-3 16:08 编辑


按照全志的文档对系统修改完毕后,在android下开启无线功能时发现开启失败,log有如下打印:D/WifiService( 2125): setWifiEnabled: true pid=3592, uid=1000
D/WifiHW( 1349): Enter: wifi_get_fw_path function, fw_type=0,
D/WifiHW( 1349): Eneter: wifi_change_fw_path, fwpath = /system/vendor/modules/fw_bcm40181a2.bin.
D/SoftapController( 1349): Softap fwReload - Ok
D/CommandListener( 1349): Setting iface cfg
D/CommandListener( 1349): Trying to bring down wlan0
E/wpa_supplicant( 4764): nl80211: Could not configure driver to use managed mode
E/wpa_supplicant( 4764): Could not read interface p2p0 flags: No such device
E/wpa_supplicant( 4764): p2p0: Failed to initialize driver interface
D/BluetoothAdapter( 3592): 1109626120: getState() :mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/WifiProxy( 3769): ##########updateState is
E/WifiHW( 2125): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "wlan0": No such file or directory
E/WifiHW( 2125): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW( 2125): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW( 2125): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW( 2125): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiHW( 2125): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
E/WifiStateMachine( 2125): Failed to setup control channel, restart supplicant通过看LOG发现系统仍然去加载了fw_bcm40181a2.bin固件,不过rtl8188cus主需要使用到8192cu的驱动,并不需要固件,结果这个问题卡了我一天。。。。。

最后从log看到D/BluetoothAdapter( 3592): 1109626120: getState() :mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF这句,想着会不会跟bluetooth有关系,所以我修改了sys_config里的参数,将下面的bt_used = 1 改为 bt_used = 0,即关闭BT功能,再次打包镜像,烧进板子,发现wifi功能能够使用了。。。


翼京/ka 发表于 2015-7-3 14:52:39

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查看完整版本: 关于CT使用RTL8188cus USB无线模块时系统修改的注意事项